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get over: meaning and explanation

to get over something = to recover from something negative

You can use this phrasal verb to talk about recovering from various negative things, such as disappointments, shocks, illnesses, relationships etc, e.g. I'm sure I'll get over it, but I'm really upset about getting such a low mark for my last essay.

Have a go at these micro-dictation exercises to hear this expression being used in context – how much can you understand?

Listening exercises

Dictation #1

Accent: Northern England

Mary .
It's Mary still hasn't ex.

About the sentence

...It's been 6 months...

We use the structure It has been [time period] to describe the length of time that has passed since something happened, e.g. It has been 10 years since we last saw each other.


The word ex in English means your ex-partner (someone who is not your partner any more) e.g. your ex-wife, ex-husband, ex-girlfriend etc.

Dictation #2

Accent: England (London)

Dictation #3

Accent: England (RP)

] .

gutted been offered I'm sure I'll .

About the sentence

...I'm gutted...

gutted (adjective) = very disappointed. e.g. I was gutted when I found out that I had failed the exam by one mark.

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