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eye to eye: meaning and explanation

If two people see eye to eye, they are in agreement with each other or share the same viewpoint.

This idiom tends to be used negatively, to say that two people do not agree with each other, or do not see things in the same way. e.g. I respect my boss enormously, but I have to admit that we don't see eye to eye on a number of issues.

Have a go at these micro-dictation exercises to hear this expression being used in context – how much can you understand?

Listening exercises

Dictation #1

Accent: England (RP)

, .
My don’t always , but I she values .
My boss I don’t always eye to eye, but I that she values my .

About the sentence

...she values my input...

In the context of communication, input can be help, advice, information or ideas offered. e.g. The IT team provided plenty of useful input on the viability of the plans.

Dictation #2

Accent: Scotland

Dictation #3

Accent: Ireland


Extra practice

Here are some questions/links to help you learn the new vocabulary:

  • Can you remember a time when you and someone else did not "see eye to eye" on a particular issue? How did you navigate the differences in opinions?
  • What communication strategies can be effective when individuals don't see eye to eye? How can people express differing opinions respectfully?
  • Can there be positive outcomes from colleagues or team members not seeing eye to eye, or does it generally lead to challenges?

Photo by Liam Welch on Unsplash

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